Thursday, January 2, 2014

super cool tumblrs: episode #1

Okay, we've got #whatshouldwecallme which is hilarious and true in that annoying "someone else tweeted this and it's're reading my mind dude!" way. It's got all these crazy-cool gifs that you can totally relate to.

Also, we have Hayley Williams' self-titled life which is super cool and super awesome and I just love Hayley Williams so much...

Then, we've got John Green (best author ever)'s Tumblr which has information about what's going on in his life which is enough for me. It's called fishingboatproceeds and you'll just have to click on the link to find out why he named his Tumblr fishingboatproceeds. He's so cool...

Then Lorde's tumblr. Lorde is cool. Period. It would take ages to describe the level of her coolness so...

I also discovered the tomboy loveliness (?) that is Cara Delevingne who is veritably crazy. That's one word amongst many that you could possibly use to describe her. But you can't help but love her... You also have dreamy pictures at your fingertips. So....

These are my favorites but below is a list of the ones I think are awesome.

6. Twitter: The Comic: Based on ridiculous things people tweet.
7. How Do I Put This Gently: GIFs for real life situations.
8. Oh-So-Coco: Coco Rocha's blog. Fashion insider at your fingertips-ish. J'adore. She is also of my favorite models ever (next to the aforementioned Crazy Cara) so...

This is what I have for now. I'm also tired out of my mind but I can't sleep because I'm a night owl! Or so I'm trying to prove to the Teddy Bear. I hate wanting to prove things to the Teddy Bear.


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